Build & Design
The country distributor is our exclusive partner for the sales, service & distribution of our total product range in the country
Build & Design
Not only the country sizes can be very large, many cities in Asia are also huge. In the coffee supply shop a dedicated range and stocks are represented

About Coffee Supply

We introduce coffee roasting experience of over 120 years in Asia. Our Global Network covers 47 countries with an annual roasting capacity exceeding 100,000,000 kg!. We are the exclusive partner of our parent factory in Europe and are responsible for roasting and distribution in Asia.

Through our head office in Indonesia and a branch office in Jakarta, we support besides our exclusive coffee brands, a wide range of coffee machines, capsule filling facilities and some unique coffee (roasting) concepts. As the coffee culture in each Asian country is different, we fully support the “Think Global, Act Local” mission through our exclusive partnership model, dedicated to each specific country.


We have good an extensive Corporate Social Responsibility.


Existing cooperation was also happy to bring our products.


We authorities to mutually beneficial growth and success.


The final amount you pay, inclusive of VAT, with no additional.

Our Best Products

As the best supplier and exporter of various Cofee, We commit to delivering only high-quality Coffee to you. Our products are made from natural and high-quality raw materials.

arabica (1)

Arabica Coffee

The name Arabica or Coffea Arabica is thought to have originated when coffee travelled from Ethiopia to Arabia in the 7th Century.

robusta (1)

Robusta Coffee

Robusta coffee is made from the beans of the Coffea canephora plant. Coffea canephora is responsible for between 30% and 40% of the world’s coffee production.

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Liberica Coffee

Originating from Liberia in West Africa, the Liberica coffee plant produces larger, irregular-shaped cherries compared to Arabica plants.

Our News

You can see our blog here, click to see blog detail. You can see our daily activity or news about exported, product process and many more.

BANYUWANGI – The increasing consumption of coffee in the country and the high enthusiasm that has led to many new coffee entrepreneurs

Jakarta (ANTARA) – Indonesia has a great opportunity to export several commodities such as coffee, apparel or textiles, and halal products to

Jakarta (ANTARA) – The Indonesian Trading Company (PT PPI) on Wednesday sent 100 tons of coffee worth US$1.2 million to Egypt. The

Our Teams

We believe a great presentation evokes interest and drives business results far better than any saying can. Hence, We strive to be one of the best & biggest suppliers.

Richard Miles
CEO & Founder

The chief executive officer (CEO) is the top position in an organization and responsible for implementing existing plans and policies

Mary John
Co - Founder

A cofounder is any individual who starts a company or any other business venture with the help of other people.

John Smith

The chief technology officer (CTO) is the individual within an organization who oversees the current technology and creates relevant policy. 

Jl. Indonesia Raya, Sudirman, Jakarta Selatan,
DKI Jakarta,  Indonesia, 10150
+62 812 3456 78

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Our Company is made up of a group of highly skilled and professionals who pays a lot of attention to small details.